How to fix the assigned resource of a selected use instruction


1.Right-click on the use instruction bar for which you want to fix the assigned resource of the use instruction.*1 The use instruction bar popup menu will be displayed.
2.Select [Fix] – [Use Instruction Fix] from the use instruction bar popup menu. Or, select the target use instruction bar and click the [Use instruction fix] button on the toolbar.
3.The assigned resource of the selected use instruction will be fixed. If the resource is fixed, red horizontal marks will be displayed under the use instruction bar.
4.*1: If you want to fix assigned resources for multiple use instructions, you can select multiple use instruction bars according to the following steps: (Note, however, that you perform right-clicking and selecting [Fix] – [Use Instruction Fix] only on one of the selected use instruction bars.)


1.Hold down the Ctrl key and click one of the target use instruction bars for which you want to fix the assigned resources of the use instructions.
2.Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse to create a Rubber Band encompassing the target use instruction bars.