Referencing or getting the added property of the user by COM
Added “OrderUser_TEST” property in the Asptova order. Made it as the array type, and how to set or get it by COM
Checking the number of the data of the added property of Array type user
Added “OrderUser_TEST” property in the Asptova order. Made it as the array type, and how to check the number of the data speciied by COM
How to do to make the window(gantt chat or the table ) which is open when be saved to be front
Save the file which the load graph is opened.How to do to show the load graph in fornt by COM
Summarying the data of the load graph
How to show the data of the load graph from COM
The programin cann’t recognized by Asprova scheduling software
The programin cann’t recognized by Asprova. Is something wrong
Set the position of the comment by the COM
Right click at the left of the order gantt chart to make a program in which can make or delete a special comment to the order by VB6. (KeyPopupOnOrderGanttChartLeft)
make a comment 4 as test to the order without comment before execute the Add-in of the follow code
Dim pSelOrder As ASBOrder
Set pSelOrder = args.ArgAsObject(kArgOrder)
pSelOrder.Comment(4) = "test"
But the “test” comment is writen into the comment 1.Is the way of writing code is wrong.
Deleting the comment by the COM
There are 4 comments and when try to delete the comment 4,execute the Add-in of the follow code
Dim pSelOrder As ASBOrder
Set pSelOrder = args.ArgAsObject(kArgOrder)
pSelOrder.Comment(4) = “”
The Comment 4 is deleted. However, the whole comments became {comment1;comment2;comment3;} which still has”;” after it.How to delete it