Ver.9.0.0 The pivot function is used to aggregate values by specifying properties of interest in rows and columns.
The pivot function is used to aggregate values by specifying properties of interest in rows and columns. It can be used on order tables, operation tables, input instruction tables, output instruction tables, and the like to aggregate and display the schedule results from various perspectives.
For example, if you want to aggregate from an order table the quantities for "production", "sales" (orders), and "inventory" per week for each item grade and item, you can easily achieve this by using the pivot function.

In addition, the newly added PSI table is based on this pivot function. Styles for aggregating the supply, demand, and inventory quantity of each item per day, per week and per month are also provided as standard. Please use them.

Pivot function
Asprova Help -> [GUI]-[Supplementary information]-[Pivot]-[Pivot overview] PSI(Asprova APS)
Asprova Help -> [GUI]-[PSI]-[PSI(Asprova APS)] Pocket Manual No.21 Pivot aggregation of table