Ver7.1.0 Detailed master use instruction data shown in message window
From version 7.1.0 on, in addition to instruction code and resource code, setup, production and teardown time of master use instructions are also displayed in the message window output. When message is double-clicked, Asprova jumps to integrated master editor to show the corresponding master use instruction.
When reviewing the scheduling results, the following cases become useful:
– it is not just instruction code or resource code, but setup, production, and teardown time can seen on message window
– it is possible to jump to integrated master editor to examine required resource quantity and other properties
– even the the instruction codes, resources and production values were the same, you are able to examine the right master use instructions on integrated master editor.
View a short explanatory video here!

To display the evaluation results in the message window, set the assignment message level property to detailed in the project settings.