Ver6.3.0 Pegged Order Gantt Chart (Product Number Order Gantt Chart)

Pegged order Gantt chart displays the orders and the pegging conditions between them in an easily understandable chart form.

View a short explanatory video here!

With “Drilldown leftmost orders” style, the pegging relationships between intermediate item, raw material and manufacturing orders are showed using the main bar of pegged orders bar. The bar makes it easy to check the overall lead time of the pegged orders. When clicked, the main bar expands to show the pegging relationships between the orders using connecting lines. This feature, to be able to easily verify the connected orders, is extremely beneficial in product number control and build-to-order manufacturing.

Pegged Order Gantt Chart

By using the “Drilldown to leftmost orders” style found in pegged order Gantt chart, how the intermediate item orders and manufacturing orders are pegged to raw materials (purchase orders) can be easily checked.

Pegged Order Gantt Chart

For more information about pegged orders chart, please, refer to HelpNo.:684500 (a topic number) in Asprova help file.