Asprova Ver.17.5

Ver. 17.5 release date: March 11, 2024

In Ver. 17.5, markers for orders can now be displayed on the order gantt chart. We have also made e-Protector available for Asprova APS as well.

1. Marker display on the order gantt chart
2. Remember previous scroll position in style
3. Table auto-sort
4. Settings parameter export
5. e-Protector support

Users who are using Ver. 17.5 or earlier must have a maintenance contract in order to use the version restricted features.

   1. Marker display on order gantt chart

Markers can now be added on the Order gantt chart and Operation gantt chart. Markers allow you to mark events that occur on specific dates and times on the chart.

The following 56 markers (14 ways x 4 colors (blue, green, red, yellow)) can be added.

In Order or Operation dialog, 9 marker types can be specified along with time, comment and text colors in various properties on the Display Settings tab.

   2. Remember previous scroll position in style

Horizontal and vertical scroll positions of the table are now saved when switching tabs or saving a style. When switching between multiple styles, previously scroll positions would reset back to the initial positions. From now on, scroll positions would be restored to what it was previously.

Example: Scroll position is saved for each style tab

   3. Table auto-sort

An auto-sort property has been added to the table display settings.
This property can be used to control whether tables are automatically sorted after rescheduling.

How to set up: “Autosort” property is available in the table tab of the table display settings


   4. Settings parameter export

The settings parameter export feature released in Ver. 17.4 can now be executed as a command. This allows settings parameter export to be done as part of a scheduling parameter.

The “Export folder” and “Export method when file already exists” can be specified. In particular, for “Export method when file already exists” you can select “Overwrite” in addition to “Change existing file name (add modified time),” which has the same behavior as when executed from the menu.

Please contact us if you have further requests, such as if you would want a certain output format for this feature.

   5. e-Protector support

Maintenance contract holders can now use e-Protector with Asprova (*Asprova NLS/DS has always supported e-Protector.) ). In addition, following AWS and Azure, e-protectors can now also be used on Google Cloud Platform. (*NLS requires Ver. or higher.)
For more information, please see help.