Web site maintenance announcement
Thank you very much for using Asprova website. We will carry out the maintenance of the website on the following schedule. Please note that you may not be able to temporarily access the aspuro web site during the maintenance period. 【Maintenance Period】 Thursday, September 21, 2017 AM 10:00 ~ AM 11:00 (UTC) * About site maintenance time may be around. Please note. We apologize for any inconvenience, thank you for your understanding.
Asprova Ver.14.0.0 has been released.
Asprova Ver.14.0.0 has been released. The main additions and improvements in Ver.14.0.0 are as follows. ■ Support of Active Directory ■ Simplification of holiday registration and national holiday download function ■ Support of Windows Server 2016 A list of other new functions and past functions can be found here. * Membership registration is required to view the contents of the new functions. Click here to become a member * About downloads – […]
Asprova Ver.13.1.0 has been released.
The newly added functions and improved functions of Ver. 13.1.0 are as follows. ■ Added new type “Continuous” to Group assign option ■ Working patterns can now be modified on the Gantt chart in Excel-like fashion ■ Overwrite calendar ■ Multi-user simultaneous schedule editing function “Exclusive control for each change right to edit and object” ■ The order of objects whose properties are to be edited with the Modify Properties command can […]
Asprova will be exhibited in the [Feria Internacional de Bogota]
Industory Exhibition named [Expo Encuentro Industrial y Comercial Querétaro 2016] held in Querétaro Mexico on Sep.26~30th Sep. Our Distributor Planning and Scheduling Consultores SC will introduce Asprova there. Check the details of the EXPO fromhere. Contact:Planning and Scheduling Consultores SC Contact person:Mr. Hector Phone Office: +52 442-213-6134
Asprova APS Version 13.0.1 English version has been released
Asprova APS Version 13.0.1 English version has been released These are nine in the main additional function. Multi-user simultaneous schedule editing function. Group assign option for realizing constraints during simultaneous processing. Object browser that graphically displays object connections such as consecutive operations, orders and operations, masters, and the like. Multi-display support. Improved expression dialog. Set applicable shifts to resources. Use day of month in date expression properties. Demarcation day of the week […]
Asprova will be exhibited in the [Expo Encuentro Industrial y Comercial Querétaro 2016]
Industory Exhibition named [Expo Encuentro Industrial y Comercial Querétaro 2016] held in Querétaro Mexico on Sep.7~9th Sep. Our Distributor Planning and Scheduling Consultores SC will introduce Asprova there. <EXPO information> EXPO Name:Expo Encuentro Industrial y Comercial Querétaro 2016 EXPO Date:Sep.7~9th 2016,9am to 6pm (to 3pm on 9th) EXPO Venue:Querétaro Centro de Congresos【Map】 Check the details of the EXPO fromhere. Contact:Planning and Scheduling Consultores SC Contact person:Mr. Hector Phone Office: +52 442-213-6134
Asprova user conference in Indonesia was held successfully.
we held a user conference in Indonesia in 2016.5.13. Many clients joined the conference and had a good conversation with each other.
Asprova APS Version 12.0.4 English version has been released
Asprova APS Version 12.0.4 English version has been released These are six in the main additional function. Windows 10 is now supported. Filter conditions can now be directly set in filter commands. Switching whether to update the sample result automatically or not in the expression dialog. Integrated Master importing is now faster. Start Asprova in current Language. The response to GUI operation when handling large data was improved. Click here for information […]
Asprova seminar in Phillipines was held successfully.
SEIKO IT SOLUTION PHILIPPINES INC held a free seminar on February 16th in Phillipines. The seminar’s overview is introducing the production and inventory control system TPiCS and other IT solutions. Asprova will also be introduced in this seminar.
Asprova APS Version 12.0.3 English version has been released.
Asprova APS Version 12.0.3 English version has been released. These are two in the main additional function. Support of phantom items. Improved message window Error locations are now easier to find. Click here for information on Asprova’s new and earlier features.