*Important* Asprova, Asprova NLS/DS compatibility issues with Windows 10 Version 2004
To all Asprova users,
We have confirmed compatiblity issues with Asprova and Windows 10 Version 2004, potentially causing errors and bluescreens.
Please avoid updating to Windows 10 Version 2004 if you are not in need of the update.
The following operations causes errors:
- Updating to Windows 10 Version 2004 on a machine installed with Asprova.
- Installing Asprova onto a machine running Windows 10 Version 2004.
This affects Asprova (Professional, Trial, 32bit/64bit) (Ver.16.0 and below), Asprova NLS/DS (Ver. and below). (Abbreviated to Asprova)
This does not affect the operation of Asprova, Asprova NLS/DS. Also, Asprova works fine on Windows 10 Version 1909 and below.
Together with the release of Asprova Ver.16.1, we have also upgraded the installer to install the Windows 10 version 2004 compatible protector driver. The same goes for Asprova NLS/DS Ver.’s installer.
These installers can install Asprova Ver.16.1 and Asprova NLS/DS Ver. on machines with Windows 10 version 2004.
Also, if you install the latest Asprova with these installers, you can upgrade from Windows 10 version 1909 to Windows 10 version 2004.
Microsoft is still investigating this issue as from 2020/07/14.
The reason is compatibility issues of Asprova’s protector driver. Microsoft is also aware of this issue and is investigating it. Microsoft seemed to have disabled automatic updates for machines with the driver installed, but please don’t update your OS manually as well.
If we have any new information from Microsoft, we will confirm it and update it on this page. Microsoft also provides information via the Windows 10, version 2004 and Windows Server, version 2004 | Microsoft Docs page as well.
Our protector vendor has also released a new driver to handle this issue, so we have released the driver on our download page. If you must use Windows 10 Version 2004, please download the latest protector driver from the download page, and follow the instructions on “For users who must use Windows 10 Version 2004”.
We are still in the process of updating the Asprova Ver.16.0, Asprova NLS/DS Ver. installers to use the new driver as well.
For users who must use Windows 10 Version 2004:
If you have Asprova installed on your machine and you are updating to Windows 10 Version 2004
Please install the latest protector driver before you update to Windows 10 Version 2004. If you update the OS without installing, there might be errors and bluescreens as the update is ongoing. During a bluescreen, the OS will cancel the update.
1. Download the protector driver from the download page.
2. Extract the contents of the downloaded “protector_driver.zip” into a folder. (It will not work if you execute the contents from the zip folder)
3. In the extracted folder, run “setup.bat”. Windows Smartscreen might pop up at this point, but please click “More Info” followed by “Run anyway” to continue. (Smartscreen might pop up twice)
4. After awhile, “Operation successfully completed” should show up and signify the installation has been completed.
5. Update to Windows 10 Version 2004.
If you are installing Asprova on a machine that is already on Windows 10 Version 2004:
Please refer to “Check your Windows 10 version” for instructions how to check the OS version.
If it’s below Version 1909, Asprova can be installed and ran without problems.
If it’s Version 2004, please wait while we release a new Asprova installer to deal with this issue.
Check your Windows 10 version:
Follow these steps to find out your Windows 10 Version:
Hold down the Windows key and press X.
Click “System” in the pop up menu.
Under Windows Specifications, the version of Windows is listed.
If you on Windows 10 version 2004 and want to use Asprova Ver.16.0 and below, or Asprova NLS/DS Ver. and below
Install using the latest installers, and then downgrade by overwriting the following files.
Folder | File | |
Asprova | Asprova Module The default installation folder is below. The installation folder can be changed so take note. C:\Program Files (x86)\Asprova Corporation\Asprova C:\Program Files\Asprova Corporation\Asprova |
Asprova.exe |
AsPlugInManager.dll | ||
AsRes.dll | ||
Language Resource C:\ProgramData\Asprova\Language |
en_US_0.arc and other ARC files | |
Asprova NLS/DS | Asprova NLS/DS Module and settings The default installation folder is below. The installation folder can be changed so take note. C:\Program Files (x86)\Asprova Corporation\AsprovaNLS C:\Program Files\Asprova Corporation\Asprova NLS |
AsprovaNLS.exe |
ANLSUtil.exe |
Asprova Corporation
Support Center
E-mail : worldsupport@asprova.com