2010-7 Asprova scheduling software Newsletter

Supporting lean manufacturing – Japan’s leading production scheduling software.
Panasonic Home Appliances implemented Asprova, production lead time reduced
from 2 weeks to 1 week, planning lead time reduced from 8 man-days to 2-man days
Panasonic Home Appliances Ltd, produces electric rice cookers from
individual parts to product assembling, and supplies product and services
worldwide as a cooking appliances manufacturer.
They introduced Asprova to their production line for circuit boards for
induction heating (IH) rice cookers and other IH cooking heaters.
Asprova was introduced and in use in 2000. When upgrading in 2008,
they purchased one more license and intend to expand the scope further
in the future.
We interviewed their manufacturing section leader Mr. Hyakutake about why
they chose Asprova and how to reach their goals.
Mr. Hyakutake recalled implementing Asprova in 2002, saying:
“I was shocked to see the Gantt chart on a computer screen that time.
Not only would we be free from hand writing work, but also would be able to
make the schedule to a much finer degree”.
The challenges of implementing were: “The master data setup was hard indeed.
It took approximately three months to complete. But we are repaid by much
easier work later.”
Please click here to see further details:
Tohoku TKR Corporation Car navigation production line implemented Asprova!
Tohoku TKR Corporation produce car navigation, car audios, digital cameras, from original parts processing through to product completion.
When implementing Asprova in 2008, they aimed to establish standardized
systems and uniform information management, and re-examined their
information system significantly.
But after implementation, it took much time to persuade the work floor to proceed
in the same order as scheduled. The calculated result from considering
lead time and inventory status was not always the easiest ordering for
the work floor to operate in.
Want to know how they solved the problem?
Please click here to find the answer:
Asprova case studies
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