Ver.9.0.0 The "Split condition expression" property was added to Resource.
The "Split condition expression" property was added to Resource.
For example, conditions–such as if the suspend time span of a sub resource (worker) is 1 hour or longer, if the operation crosses two days, or if the number of splitting is 10 or greater and the suspension time exceeds 1 hour–can now be specified to dynamically split operations.
As shown below, if a tank operation requires workers to be assigned over three shifts,
1h<ME.Suspend end time[0]-ME.Suspend start time[0]
can be set in the split condition expression to specify the operation to be split when the suspension time of a worker is 1 hour or longer in order to accommodate changes in shifts when assigning operations to workers.
At the same time, in the following example, "Split operation suspend time MAX" is set to 0 to keep the split operations together (no suspension in between operations) so that operation continuity is maintained.
If you want to suppress setup from occurring between split operations, you can use the "Zero setup time between same splitted operations" property.

If a split condition expression is not used, operations will be assigned to the same worker, as shown below, and this will result in suspensions in the middle of the tank operation.

Split condition expression, Split operation suspend time MAX, Zero setup time between same splitted operations
Asprova Help -> [Logic]-[Operation Split]-[Operation Split]
Sample S: Switching workers, splitting operations per shifts